Mint Julep Cocktail Mixer Recipes

Mint Julep


Making a great Mint Julep has never been so easy as when you make it with Eli Mason Mint Julep Cocktail Mixer. 

You see, we do all the work. Our Mint Julep Cocktail Mixer is made with fresh mint, cane sugar and a touch of organic gum arabic for a silky mouthfeel.

While you're welcome to get all traditional with an old-school julep cup, this will still taste just as good in any ol' glass you've got on hand. 

A couple little tricks we like are to slightly bruise the fresh mint by clapping it your hand before placing it in the glass. Then trim your straw so it is just short enough to place your nose right above the mint while sipping. It's nothing short of magical.


2 oz. Bourbon or Whiskey

1 oz. Eli Mason Mint Julep Cocktail Mixer

Crushed or Chipped Ice

Fresh Mint for Garnish

Place fresh mint so the top sticks out of the glass and pack with crushed ice to hold it in place. Combine your bourbon and Mint Julep Cocktail mixer and pour into the glass. Add the straw and you're ready for a day at the races!