Rich Simple Syrup Recipes

Classic Rum Daiquiri

Classic Rum Daiquiri

Our Rich Simple Syrup makes creating great cocktail simple indeed. 

We've created it with that purpose in mind. Pure cane sugar, filtered water and a touch of lemon juice make it a staple to have on hand at a moment's notice for the happiest of happy hours.

This Classic Rum Daiquiri is the perfect example. Take a good look. Do you see any bright colors? Any artificial neon glow? Nope, just a good timeless take on one of the world's best drinks. 

All you need is three ingredients to make a good daiquiri - fresh lime, Eli Mason Rich Simple Syrup and a good quality rum. Honestly, any rum will do, but the better the rum, the better the daiquiri!


2 oz. Light Rum

1 oz. Fresh Lime Juice

.5 oz Rich Simple Syrup

Strip of Lime Zest for Garnish

Chill a martini glass with ice and water and set aside. In a cocktail shaker full of ice, add rum, lime juice and Rich Simple Syrup. Shake well to chill. Discard ice and water from martini glass and strain daiquiri into glass. Garnish with strip of lime zest.